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How to Meditate?

Meditation allow you to access to your inner

It took me a long time to understand what meditation was for and how to learn to meditate … and finally meditation is easy. I had decided that it was not for me because I liked to move all the time, my life was a headlong rush to channel my frustrations brought by daily life (work, stress, fatigue, bad breathing…).

It was a way for me to fill my inner emptiness since in our societies you always have to take care of yourself. Emptiness is scary… So I was not yet ready to respect myself, to love and cherish my body and my soul.

After a few years, time that made me understand, health misadventures, I evolved and realized that I needed a break for my well-being and respect for my body.

It was my body that spoke. So rather than continuing on the path of acting at all costs, forgetting myself and my joy, I started yoga and meditation.

I admit that these 2 practices allowed me to observe myself better: to become aware of my behavior in life. I realized that I had taken habits that made me unhappy, that went against my joy and my balance, I had indoctrinated myself…. and above all I had forgotten to breathe.

These breaks that I give myself today balance me, I control my emotions much better, my ideas are clear and I no longer experience the unexpected as a source of stress or anxiety. I welcome the situations that come my way.

The stress of work, fatigue, bad breathing, eating on the go…it’s over!

So meditation for what and how long  

I am my own observer. Meditation and yoga allow me to readjust myself to the hassle of life. I no longer experience them as stress, I welcome them because life is that, it’s a more or less pleasant flow of information that happens to you. Will stressing or being unhappy change anything in the situation that arises? No, then you have to welcome it, very often these worries are not that serious…and as they say tomorrow is another day. Then isn’t life short enough?…so let’s live there instead of making ourselves unhappy!!!

Ah this damn thought: but when? I don’t have time, my schedule is overloaded…

The exercises that I propose to you are designed to fit into any schedule…even a busy one. We are all running after time. That a meditation lasts 5, 10 or 15 minutes or more is as useful for our well-being as meditations of long duration.

At what time of the day?

Meditation gives access to self-control and transcendence of emotions

Morning meditation

The ideal is to practice early in the morning between 4:30 and 6:30 and before breakfast. The mind is not yet cluttered, one is relaxed, the air is clean and the world is still asleep. It’s a good time without phone and email. There is also a sense of calm. But according to our will, meditation can be done at any time of the day!

Midday meditation

It can allow you to take a break after morning professional obligations, to take a moment for yourself.

To share this moment of meditation with a colleague

If the evening is busy and even more so if you have children or invite friends

I will help you to start meditation and give you tools to start your practice.

Evening meditation

It’s the end of the day, professional obligations have disappeared, you are more relaxed and have more time to spend. You are more likely to do it correctly and adjust it to your needs.

The benefits of meditation:

As I was telling you for me, meditation has allowed me to tackle the difficulties of life with more

  • serenity 
  • less stress and
  • anxiety  
  • improve our communication with ourselves and others 
  • we see more clearly in our actions, our behavior
  • focused more   we are aware of what we are     we are more objective with regard to awkward situations…
  • and we end up realizing that we have to let joy flow into our lives
  • it’s giving yourself time for yourself, becoming aware of yourself, of your feelings, decluttering your mind and cultivating your inner being.

So you try?

Meditation generates benefits in the background, it can be practiced without particular difficulty and above all without taking up considerable time in your daily life.

Nor should you be told that with each meditation you do you will have the answers to your questions…no, she is like a sister, a friend who helps you to put things into perspective, to see the situation with hindsight and realize with the time finally that the answer is in you…

How to start meditation?

Have an inquisitive mindset, it’s discovery…new experiences. At first we can feel frustrated because we are so conditioned to live at a frantic pace that doing nothing is banished from our lives.

Meditation is not a competition…forget the race for results by telling yourself: “I absolutely have to meditate, that I stay focused, it irritates me I can’t stop thinking…I can’t control anything…. In short, see…these are moments that we experience as a beginner….but meditation is not a race for professional objectives, on the contrary it totally accepts imperfection, it even values ​​it!!! And between you and me… let’s forget our conditionings of modern society and accept each other.

How to prepare yourself to meditate?

Meditation is the time when you respect yourself by taking care of yourself


Put your phone on silent or off to avoid its vibration…and in another room to avoid thinking about it.

You won’t be able to avoid all the noises obviously, if you hear something, just integrate that noise into a conscious approach, while being aware of that sound and without anxiety.


Create your little corner of meditation just for you. This will help keep this ritual enjoyable. It must be as comfortable as it is warm. This is your oasis…

Always have a meditation blanket or shawl and socks on your feet due to your immobility


The back :

Stand up straight without any tension or rigidity.

To keep your back straight, imagine that your head is held up by a wire attached to the ceiling. The head is as if connected to the sky. The buttocks and pelvis are well placed on a horizontal plane. This invisible line thus connects the earth and the sky through our body.

We often forget the fact that our body influences our mind. Slumped, our mind is not as clear as if we were standing up straight. If your body is comfortable, your mind will be too. They are both linked and work together.

If your mind is restless, your body will be uncomfortable.

And you lack of comfort, you won’t be able to calm your mind either. If you feel uncomfortable repositioning yourself, living a meditation alone or in a badly positioned group is a source of stress and brings no benefit!

If you feel tension in the back, you can use a wedge to place under the beginning of the buttocks or simply a cushion.

You don’t want to sit on the floor: use a meditation bench


You can sit on the ground cross-legged or use a chair if your knees are painful (this will be just as beneficial for meditation. No muscle tension should settle permanently.

You can also meditate in a lying position by placing a cushion under your knees to limit the lumbar arch to the floor and under your head if necessary, but you risk to fall asleep.

If meditation posture is to difficult to maintien, prefer to sit on a chair.

The eyes

They are preferably half-closed and the gaze is directed downwards 1m50 in front of you, if you prefer closed them. The head remains straight in line with the body. Thus, the gaze is calm and peaceful

The mouth

Slightly open to avoid tension in the jaws


Relaxed shoulders, relaxed arms to rest your hands on your knees

You are solid as a mountain, regardless of the thoughts and emotions that pass through you. You are present there.

The difficulties or rather the opportunities that you may encounter…

Some people will seek complete silence because they tell themselves that concentrating is easier! But nowadays, finding silence is rather difficult and rare. We most often live in towns and even in the countryside, there is always a tractor passing by…the noise of a mower…Unless we find ourselves at an altitude of 3000m…but again nothing is guaranteed. So see the noise as an opportunity because it is a way to “zap” our ideas which tend to remain fixed.

Meditating in silence and alone is the best way to find ourselves, to get used to ourselves without being disturbed by the distractions of life.

Exercice: acclimate yourself to silence

Even 5 min of meditation is a good starts for your mental and physical health balance

Today, rare are the times when you find yourself alone and in silence…or even never. So, it’s time to give it a try. For the first few times, allow yourself 5 minutes of silence without outside disturbance.

1- Find a time when no one is home


2- Put your laptop on silent or in airplane mode (silent mode is reduced to vibrate mode and suddenly even if it vibrates you will lose silence and tranquility.

Turn off the music.

3- Motionless, take a walk around yourself observing your interior, be aware of your attitude and gestures, then walk quietly towards a place in the room that attracts you…your library, your kitchen, and look at the objects arranged. Look, touch, move them while remaining aware of what you are doing.

4- Now how do you feel about this silence: are you uncomfortable? Don’t dwell on the thoughts that cross your mind, let them pass. There it is simply a matter of feeling and not analyzing

5- Your feelings can evolve between the beginning and the end of this moment for you. You may even appreciate this moment of pause, this moment of mindfulness.

The questions you ask yourself when you meditate

My thoughts spring up, my brain is a real factory of thoughts…

It’s inevitable, perfectly normal and human. We think back to work, to a friend, to a situation, to a deadline to meet… in short, worries.

Thoughts come and go for no reason. You think without having decided, about something that has nothing to do with the present situation: you imagine yourself making a phone call, or something else… How difficult it is to stay in touch with what is is here. You left your body. It doesn’t matter: you are gone and come back to your posture and breathing in the present moment. It doesn’t matter if you come back 1 time, 10 times, 1 thousand times per session… Just come back.

And be kind to yourself, meditation is not a struggle or gymnastics against our thoughts. When you realize that you are no longer in connection with your body, in the here and now, bring your attention back gently, without judgment using your breath. Often, we try to abstract our thoughts at all costs. We struggle on our cushion with violence, even anger in front of our mind which does as it pleases. Abandon this approach. True peace is being open to whatever arises. “No matter how many thoughts arise, let them come.” This attitude is key.

It depends on the person, some concentrate their mind more easily and naturally than others, who conversely rehash. It doesn’t matter ! Adapt, and accept that. By being kind, patient with yourself and with practice, it will become natural to stop paying attention to it. Integrate the meditations when your mind is confused and restless, it’s time to reconnect and calm our mental dispersion through mindfulness.

Find your body:

There are thoughts and also noises, getting used to the various sources of stimuli (heartbeat or car noise…). We must integrate these noises into our meditation and not let them discourage us. They are part of life…and meditation. When you hear a sound during meditation, focus your intention on the experience of hearing. Try not to have any inner dialogue on the subject. The reality is a simple, no-frills experience. When you hear a sound, pay attention to the process of hearing.

Our mind is playful, it tests our patience by letting thoughts arise. Our mind responds because it is not used to this practice. It’s like starting a new sport… at first we don’t necessarily take pleasure… we change our habits… Meditation is not intellectual, it confuses us because we are used to analyzing each situation and its simplicity of practice disturbs us. It is enough just to be there… without history.

This involves finding full and complete attention to our sensory perceptions. Just be mindful of what you are feeling without expecting what you should be feeling. The important thing is not to feel what we would like or to reject what we don’t like, but to enter into a relationship with what is when it happens. You may feel ants in your legs, itching, readjust yourself, this is the best time to respond to your body’s messages.

In short, we adapt to the moment as it is.

Here a guided meditation …Take breath and enjoy.

Don’t forget: give yourself the time to appreciate these meditations “it is by forging that one becomes a blacksmith”


Meditation: Process and effects

Brief, daily meditation enhances attention, memory, mood, and emotional regulation in non-experienced meditators

The relative impact of 15-minutes of meditation compared to a day of vacation in daily life: An exploratory analysis

Effects of Different Stages of Mindfulness Meditation Training on Emotion Regulation

Benefits of meditation and mindfulness practices during times of crisis such as COVID-19

Perimenopause and Menopause

Perimenopause: Lifestyle Tips

Menopause is not a disease, it is a natural process

Menopause, perimenopause and post menopause are stages in a woman’s life when her periods stop. This is the end of the childbearing years.

Perimenopause is the first stage of this process and can begin eight to ten years before menopause. Menopause is when a woman has no more periods for at least 12 months. This period may vary depending on hereditary factors, nature, body constitution, mental status, stress levels, working condition, countries.

It is also depending on present lifestyle, medicinal therapies undergone …,

Menopause is a normal process, it is not a disease and usually occurs in the late 40s and early 50s. Early cases happen at 35-36, and become more common these days or later cases at an age of 50-52 years is also reported in some countries.

Post menopause is the stage that follows menopause.

The drop in estrogen levels associated with menopause can cause annoying and persistent hot flashes.

It can also make women feel like they are in a constant state of PMS (premenstrual syndrome). Unfortunately, these emotional changes are an integral part of menopause. Some of the emotional changes experienced by women in perimenopause or menopause may include irritability, feelings of sadness, lack of motivation, anxiety, aggression, difficulty concentrating, fatigue, mood swings, etc.

They may also experience physiological changes such as weight gain, hair loss, aches and pains, etc.

Ayurvedic insight is useful for women undergoing menopausal symptoms and help minimize the unpleasant experiences and emotions associated with them.

Perimenopause: ayurvedic view

Menopause and symptoms

In Ayurveda perimenopause period is termed as Rajonivritti kala. Raja means Menstruation, nivritti means retirement or cessation and kala means time period.

As sais above, the ovaries gradually reduce their estrogen hormone production, and one or several following symptoms can occur:

  • Irregular menstruation
  • Prolonged bleeding or scanty menstruation
  • Back ache – non specific kind
  • Headache – partial head ache or head ache of interfering agent
  • Body ache
  • Neuritis or numbness in body parts
  • Fatigue, excessive tiredness
  • Nausea
  • Anorexia (tastelessness)
  • Excess sweating
  • Inferiority or constant grief
  • Mood elevation
  • Nervousness
  • Intestinal problems
  • Acid peptic disorders
  • Excess or decreased appetite
  • Abdominal discomfort
  • Stress and strain
  • Loss of sleep, disturbed sleep
  • Hot flushes
  • Breast tenderness
  • Worse premenstrual syndrome
  • Lower sex drive
  • Vaginal dryness; discomfort during sex due to friction
  • Urine leakage when coughing or sneezing
  • Urinary urgency (an urgent need to urinate more frequently)

Do you need a treatment for Perimenopause?

The most important is to be aware of this conditions when it happens because if the symptoms are mild it can be managed with lifestyle changes like  regular oil massage for stress and body ache. Then treatment is not required.

In severe symptoms such as heavy bleeding with clots, severe stress, depression, excessive sweating, …, treatment is useful.

Which lifestyle, exercises and hobbies

It is important to keep your activities to engaged your body and mind. It is very important for physical and mental health.

Pranayama, Yoga and oil massage for Perimenopause

Pranayama helps to keep mental balance and learn how to manage your emotions like . mood swings and stress. Learn about a simple Pranayama technique

Yoga for Perimenopause

Too much hot yoga will exacerbate symptoms. Practice a hatha, yin, or restorative yoga instead.

These use gentle and mindful movements to keep you grounded, connect you to your body, and relax the mind. It will work effectively on your conditions with a qualified yoga teacher.

3 Yoga Poses for Perimenopausal Women

Salamba Sarvangasana: helps relieve stress, mild depression, and menopausal symptoms.

Marichyasana: helps with emotional calming during time of intense hormonal shifts.

Marichyasana for perimenopause

Janu sirsasana: help manage perimenopausal symptoms like mild depression, hot flashes, and anxiety.

Oil massage:

After Menopause, depleted calcium and bone strength are common symptoms like osteo arthritis. This is very important to do daily oil massage with Maha Narayana tailam  or Ksheerabala taila especially if you feel headache, body ache, sleeping problems, arthritis
and joint pains.

If you do not get any time to do a long massage, here a fast and efficient massage technic

Your diet:

Food to to be preferred

  • Favour green leafy vegetables, cabbage, soya food, lady finger, beans, almonds, sesame seeds, flax seed,garlic, basil which are good supplement in calcium.
  • Beans, cereals, pumpkin seed, carrot, dates, sesame seed, chickpeas, peanuts, pecans, walnuts, pistachios, roasted almonds, roasted cashews, or sunflower seeds, raisins, peaches, or prunes, spinach, bread are excellent to bring iron in your diet.

Iron is needed to make myoglobin, the protein that provides oxygen to the muscles. Helps to manage fatigue, restless leg syndrome, cognition and anemia, difficulty regulating your body temperature, headaches

  • A variety of fruits and vegetables.
  • Include a teaspoon of ghee in diet for a healthy gut, it also promotes memory and concentration.

Which Foods to avoid

Avoid high amounts of fried, oily, salty foods, as well as sugar.
If you are suffering from hot flashes, avoid excess spicy foods and coffee.

Your family

Family members: husband, children and so on should take special care towards your health and your mind set up.

Family members should know that, the hormonal imbalance causes changes in the body and mind of the woman. Conversations and discussions should carry enough care toward her.

Ayurvedic treatment

So, the goal is to pacify Dosha imbalances. Between 40-50 years, both pitta and vata are aggravated. So measures should be taken to pacify both Vata and Pitta dosha.

Medicines to improve strength and immunity: Ashwagandha is used in the treatment of fatigue, stress, mood disorders etc.

Medicines to treat vaginal dryness, frequent urination and urinary tract infections: Yoni picchu for vaginal dryness : put a sterile medicated cotton swab, dipped in oil or ghee, is placed the vagina. Ask your practionner to know which oil to use. Usually you can use sesame oil, almond oil, coconut or olive oil and others depending on your constitution.

For hot flashes: Pitta dosha balancing diet

Rejuvenation – anti aging therapy:

Shatavari rasayana can be use depending on your conditions.

Your home remedies for perimenopause symptoms:

To restore mild deficiency caused during menopause

·      50 grams of cumin seeds and 50 grams of fenugreek powder

·      Fried them in 50 grams of ghee.

·      Add to it 50 grams of organic jaggery or brown sugar well powdered.

·      Make a round ball of 10gram each.

Daily 1-2 balls should be taken along with lukewarm milk.

To restore the vitality and energy and prevents fatigue and other symptoms commonly found during menopause

5 grams of ground nut, cashew nut, sesame seeds, jaggery or honey and ginger well powdered or pounded well.

Taken it with warm water, early in the morning.

It is easy to learn how to get rid of physical symptoms and how to manage physical and mental stresses caused by this transition.

I repeat but if you prevent and manage at the first stages, with efforts, healthy habits, healthy and nutritious food during menopause, the practice of yoga, meditation and pranayama, you will live normal life.

Ayurveda Medicine keys are : prevention, care, good food and healthy habits and work your mind.

Menopause, another adventure of life is opening



Premature Menopause

Clinical evaluation of Ashokarishta, Ashwagandha Churna and Praval Pishti in the management of menopausal syndrome

Ayurvedic management of menopausal syndrome

Discovering the Self

Atman, the Self according to Vedanta

Discovering the self brings to perfect happiness. All fears are overcome when Self-knowledge is acquired

Knowledge of God is not as commonly discussed in India as knowledge of the true Self.

Self-knowledge reveals knowledge of the true nature of the Absolute and of Supreme Deity.

Realizing our true Self, or Atman according to Vedanta philosophy

Ordinarily we use the word ‘self’ in the sense of ego, but the term ‘self-knowledge’ does not mean mere knowledge of the ego.

The ego in us is the doer, the thinker and the perceiver. That which performs all the functions of body and mind is generally known as the “I” or ego; but it is only the reflection of the Absolute Brahman, which is the source of all intelligence.

The ego is the image of that divine spark within us which gives it vitality and makes it do all mental and physical work. So when we speak of knowledge of the Self, we mean not just knowledge of the lower animal Self or ego, but also of the higher Self. The higher Self is identical with the Absolute which is at the base of the phenomenal universe.

Absolute Substance or Brahman is beyond space and time, therefore it is formless and immutable. When it manifests as an individualized, self-aware entity, it is known as the ego.

It also appears as an object of consciousness, so it is called matter; the Absolute Being, however, is neither matter nor the same as the ego. It forms the background of our ego; therefore, it is our true Self.

When we realized this, we knew God and the relationship that the phenomenal universe has with him. And the best method to become aware of this Absolute Being is to realize our true Self, or Atman, as it is called in Sanskrit.

Some people think that self-annihilation is the ideal of Vedanta philosophy, but it is not. The true Self, according to Vedanta, can never be destroyed.

If self-annihilation were the ideal then the Self would be subject to change and destruction, it cannot be the same as the Absolute Being.

How then is it possible for anyone to think of his annihilation?

Vedanta philosophy, on the contrary, teaches that the true Self is absolutely indestructible and immutable.

The destruction of the Self is just as impossible as the destruction of the Absolute. Therefore, self-annihilation cannot be the highest goal and ideal of life. Only self-knowledge helps us to realize absolute Truth and achieve perfection. It is considered the highest wisdom.

When Socrates asked the Oracle of Delphi “What is the highest knowledge?” the answer came, “Know thyself.”

By the word “self” here is meant not only the ego, but the true Self. The same knowledge of the real Self has been glorified in India since the earliest Vedic period.

Self-knowledge as the highest ideal of life

Self Knowledge is the way to happiness

Vedanta, the rationalist part of the Vedas, describes self-knowledge as the highest ideal of life. If we want to know God, we must first know our true Self; we must ask ourselves who and what we really are, where we come from and what we become after death?

These questions are of vital importance. Ordinary people cannot solve such problems, their minds are too busy with the affairs of the phenomenal world.

Buta serious seeker of Truth, who is dissatisfied with the knowledge of material objects, wishes to go beneath the surface of phenomenal appearances and stop until the ultimate goal, the reality which underlies all phenomena, be discovered.

His goal is to find the right solution to these problems by knowing the true nature of his ego as well as the universe. He may begin with the objective world, but gradually, as he advances step by step and goes deeper and deeper in his search for Truth, he eventually returns to his own Self.

Because the true Self is the center of the universe. The phenomenal world, which consists of objects of sense perception, can be compared to a great circle whose circumference is found in gross material forms and whose innermost center is Atman, the true Self.

The nature of this true Self, according to Vedanta, is infinite.

It is neither limited in time nor conditioned by spatial relations. The scriptures describe God as the center of the universe, but Vedanta says that the Self or Atman is also the center of the universe, and the true Self is one with Divinity.

The moment we realize the Divine Self within us, we understand that the domain of the same Atman extends to the sun, the moon, the stars and even the most distant planets, whose light puts hundreds and thousands of years to reach us.

Wherever there is existence, whether on the physical or mental plane, there is also the manifestation of this Divine Self.

That by which we know the existence of the external world, by which we are aware of our body, our senses and our mental powers, is our true Self. It is not far from us, but it is beyond the reach of the mind and intellect.

The Self is beyond all vibration

The Self is described in the fourth verse of the Isha Upanishad thus: “It (the Self) is beyond all vibration, it moves without moving…”  

Our senses have never reached it, it has transcended them all. Although immobile, it transcends the mind and the senses. It is the source of all mental activities, sensory powers and the various forces of nature. “Modern science tells us that the whole world is the product of matter and material forces. Matter, again, is nothing but a certain state of motion or vibration of a substance whose true nature is unknown and unknowable. A particle in the universe is in constant motion or vibration.

What we call heat or light, sound or taste, smell, touch or any old sensory object, is nothing but a state of vibration of the same unknown substance.

William Crookes says: “At thirty-two vibrations per second it is shown that we have the first beginning of audible sound, and that sound ceases to be audible when it reaches something less than thirty-three thousand vibrations per second. second.

The vibrations of heat and light rays are almost inconceivably faster. They are expressed in no less than fifteen digits, while the vibrations in a single second of the newly discovered radium are expressed in more than nine thousand millions of millions.”

The whole world consists of the vibration of atoms, or the tiniest particles of material substance, but above and beyond all that vibration there is Absolute Reality, the true Self, which is the source of knowledge, intelligence and consciousness

. Self that we know that there is such a thing as vibration

Who knows that the world is vibration

Do yoga do increase your perceptions

“Motion produces only motion” is one of the laws of nature which has been confirmed by the modern scientists. Movement cannot produce knowledge.

Knowledge is something which is not the effect of movement or vibration, but it is what enlightens our mind and makes us see and understand that it is there is such a thing as motion or vibration .

Therefore, the Upanishad says, “That which is not vibrating is our true Self.

Search within and see that which is not vibrating, but who is the Knower of all vibrations and actions.

“It goes faster than the mind.” “We know that the mind is the fastest thing in the world.

Thought travels faster than electricity or any other current that exists on the physical plane. William Crookes explains that “thought vibrations that come from the brain can really take place where it becomes impossible to estimate the vibrations that are caused by the subtlest forces of physical nature.”

Further, he adds, “If we can somehow realize the concept of ‘a force capable of creating thousands of trillions of vibrations in a second, and if we add to this idea that the speed of these vibrations thunders by their rapidity, we see quite easily that thought can put a belt around the earth in an infinitesimal fraction of time.

“We can exchange messages wirelessly between here and another part of the world, but thought transfer is faster than that.

What is faster than the mind is the true Self.

Our true Self can go faster than the stream of thought and even where the mind cannot reach. He is still traveling.

The Self or Atman forms the background of the mind, so the Self is faster and faster than the activity of the mind.

The mind cannot go anywhere without depending on the Self, knowing it. It remains absolutely inactive when separated from the Self.

“The senses never reached him, he transcended them all.”

The senses cannot reveal it; the powers of the senses cannot express the true nature of the Self, because they are limited by time and space. Whereas the knower of time and space must necessarily be beyond the reach of the senses.

When we see the sun, the very sight depends on self-awareness, that is, we must be aware that we are seeing something, and the consciousness must depend on our true Self.

The sun will not be seen if our mind and eyes are separated and cut off from the Self, the source of knowledge, intelligence and consciousness. Based on this source of consciousness and intelligence, our mind functions, our senses perform their functions, and the body moves.

“It (the Self) moves and it does not move; it is far and also near. He is inside and also outside of it all. “

When the body moves, the source of intelligence, or our true Self, appears to be moving, but in reality does not move.

All of life is a mystery.

We strive to find an explanation by studying nature, but nature confuses us further, science does not help us, it takes us up to a certain point and leaves us there without showing anything beyond it, without telling us what to do and where to go of our relative knowledge.

When properly analyzed, it appears as a partial expression of absolute knowledge, which is the true nature of the true Self.

Relative knowledge, however, will not help us solve the riddles of the universe.If we wish to know the ultimate Truth of the world, we must go beyond nature and seek the explanation in the realm of the Absolute

Nature is called in Sanskrit Maya

It deceives us, yet we live in nature , and our body, our senses and our spirit are part of nature.

The more we study nature, the more we are deceived; we are not arriving at a definitive solution. Scientists have come to certain conclusions in which nothing is concluded. Science tells us that the ultimate goal of everything is unknown and unknowable.

Here the Vedanta comes and advises its students to study not only nature but our Self or Atman.

Then all confusion will be removed and Absolute Truth will be attained.

Nature shows us that the Self moves when the body is in motion, but in reality the Self is still. Nature makes us feel that the Self is very far from us, but it is the closest thing we have, closer than that body and mind that we consider closest; our true Self, however, is actually the closest of all. “He dwells in faith just like his soul or his inner nature, but he is outside of everything.”

How is it possible ?

If he lives inside, how can he live outside?

Space exists inside and out. Take the space in this room, which is confined by its walls.

This space appears as inside the room; but what are the walls, are they separated from the space?

No. They exist in and through space.

The space of the walls limits the space that is inside the room; but does it actually limit? No. It’s outside too. Can we limit infinite space?

Never. Likewise, if we try to limit our Self by our mind, we fail, because the mind is not big enough and strong enough to keep the Self out.

The powers of the senses cannot limit it, the physical forms can never divide it, because each of them exists in relation to the Self.

The Self or Atman, when properly realized, appears boundless and infinite.

We say we are finite beings, but in reality we are not finite.

“He who realizes all beings in the Self, and the Self in everything animate and inanimate, (objects of the universe), never hates anything or any being.”

Hatred proceeds from an imperfect relative knowledge, which makes us perceive objects as separate from each other.

But when we see our true Self in others, how can we hate the other without hating our own Self?

It would be impossible for the Self to hate itself.

As it is impossible to hate our true Self, it would be impossible to hate the Self of any being.

This is one of the results of self-knowledge, where self-knowledge is that there can be no feeling of hatred.

When hatred is gone, jealousy and all other selfish feelings, which we call wicked, disappear.

What’s left?

Love is unity

Ordinary love, which opposes hatred, vanishes; but Divine love begins to reign in the heart. True love means the expression of unity. As love of the body makes us feline with the body, love of the true Self makes us feel one with the true Self.

And if we see this Self in others, we cannot help but love them as we love our Self.

We now understand the meaning of “Love your neighbor as yourself”. It is not an extraordinary teaching. Vedanta has always taught this truth.

Christ was the only one who also taught in this way, but they do not know that this is the very basis of Vedanta ethics.

Love means the expression of unity in thought, word and deed.

“Where all beings have become one with the Self, what illusion, what pain can there be for one who has once achieved this oneness?”

Self-knowledge leads to the realization of oneness with all beings.

When all beings appear as parts of one universal Self, there is no illusion, fear or sorrow, for there can be no other thing besides the Self or Atman to grieve for. or from which we can suffer.

Grief and fear arise as long as there is a sense of duality or multiplicity. Isha Upanishad, verse 7.

If all objects of fear and grief become one with the all-pervading Divine Self, then fear and grief must disappear.

But as long as we think of other beings that exist outside of our Self, we cannot avoid the grief and suffering that arise because of them.

In absolute unity, however, there cannot remain fear, grief, suffering, separation, or self-delusion. This is another risk of self-knowledge. Some people may think that Vedanta teaches us to be selfish, but that is far from true.

The lower self dies, the self disappears, and with its disappearance all egoism is destroyed.

The word “Self” should not be taken for the lower self or selfishness.

Atman means, the higher Self, which is our divine nature.

This Atman (the Self), which is the center of the universe, is omnipresent.

Wherever our mind goes, the Atman goes.

Itis the source of the light of intelligence ; he is pure, spotless, sinless.

Here the Vedanta teaches that we are not soaring in sin and iniquity, but that our Atman or true Self is sinless.

By this, he is not encouraging to commit sinful acts, but he is telling us thatthe moment one acquires Self-knowledge, from that moment one ceases to do anything wrong..

The Atman is in the body, but it has no body. It is formless, that is, beyond gross and subtle forms. There are forms we can only see through the most powerful microscope, even these tiniest forms do not affect the Self.

He is beyond all forms, but at the same time he can appear in any form, and all forms that exist.

Atman is beyond any nerve activity or brain function.

Materialists hold that when the brain and nerve centers vibrate, self-consciousness is produced. But the Vedanta contradicts their statement by saying, “Beyond the reach of the nerve centers and untouched by the powers of the brain.”unaffected by changes in the body; there may be variations in the color or shape of the physical body, or the body may be diseased or have a mutilated part, but that disease or mutilation will not produce any change in the true Self or Atman.

Therefore, self-knowledge frees from nervousness and other physical ailments. The word “Kavi” means poet, and also means the seer of things. Self is described as the greatest poet in the universe, it is one of the most beautiful expressions and attributes one can give to one’s Divinity.

He is the poet. His poetry is the universe.

He is also described as the greatest entertainer. His art we see in sunrise and sunset. The sun, moon and stars are none other than the infinite space paintings by the artist Almighty.

The true Self or Atman is above good and evil, beyond virtue and vice.

How can he be above good and evil?

Good and evil, however, are two relative terms.

Evil exists in relation to good, and we cannot separate one from the other.

If we want to take the good, we should also take the bad.

Thus, with virtue and vice, one cannot exist without being linked to the other.

The Absolute Self is above all relativity and therefore it is above good and evil, above virtue and vice. “There is no other seer but this Atman, no other knower.

The vast majority of mankind do not know this great truth. Preachers do not teach it, because they themselves do notand

If God is the Knower of all, then the Knower in us is part of God.

Vedanta tells us to realize first the individual knower then the Knower of the universe will be known. The Atman or the true Self is never the object of knowledge, but is always the subject.

The cosmic or universal Knower is the same one whom people worship as God. Thus by the light of Vedanta we can see God near of our souls; but in the scriptures of the special religions it is made aloof. It is driven far from our reach.

Vedanta draws it nearer than anything we possess. Though this Atman permeates all, yet it is beyond of everything; he dwells in all things

The Attributes Generally Given to God

It is never about phenomenal conditions. descends the changes of nature, but it permeates nature. It is its own cause, the cause and the effect are identical there. Our Atman has no cause yet it is the cause of everything, and at the same time it is beyond the law of cause and effect.

The Self has existed by itself since the beginningless past and will continue to exist through eternity.

“All relative knowledge is only a partial expression of that wisdom which constitutes the nature of the Atman. Now we see that the attributes which people generally give to God, such as.

He is omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent, eternal, infinite, are also given by Vedanta to the true Self. The true Self is the soul of our souls. Self-knowledge reveals that the attributes of God are also the attributes of the Atman.

“Those who do not realize this Self, dwell in the darkness of ignorance and pass through the misery and sufferings that exist in this darkness. Isha Upanishad.

They are always fearful and unhappy.

They fear death and all that threatensexistence, and they make their life miserable by attaching themselves to a particular form of manifestation which they are afraid of.

losing earthlyfind them, and they consider that this earthly life has no other higher purpose or ideal. The life of these people is nothing but a continuous chain of fear and unhappiness.

Those who are rich fear losing their wealth; those who have a reputation and a high position are afraid of losing them. While every man or woman suffers from the fear of sickness and death. Do you believe that these people will ever experience true happiness on this earth? No.

Only those who have become absolutely free from fear are truly happy.

Perfect Happiness: when Self-Knowledge is Acquired

Self-knowledge dispels the darkness of ignorance and sets us free from fear, sorrow, misery,…

Perfect happiness comes and all fear is overcome when Self-knowledge is acquired. For this reason, each of us must make constant efforts to acquire it in this life.

The light of Self-knowledge dispels the darkness of ignorance and sets us free from fear, sorrow, misery, birth and death, and from bondage, imperfection and weakness. illusion. And which proceed from ignorance.

This ignorance is also the mother of selfishness.

It has the power to veil the divine and absolute Atman and make us identify our true Self with the material body. So when we are forced by the inscrutable power of ignorance (Avidya) to forget our true Self, to regard ourselves as the sons or daughters of mortals, we become finite and subject to limitations as understood by the term “selfishness”.

Self-knowledge destroys ignorance and makes one absolutely altruistic. Blessed is who lives in the sunshine of Self-knowledge, having risen above the clouds of fear and selfishness that gather in the night of ignorance.

What is this world?

It is produced by ignorance and bound by fear.

Self-knowledge destroys all worldliness, brings spiritual strength and makes one fearless, as God is fearless.

The moment we realize that God dwells within us, how can we be afraid?

How can we be afraid of death when we know that death simply means passing from one body to another, and our true Self or Atman is immutable?

Those who do not possess the knowledge of the Self are miserable and will explode again and again on this plane of ignorance until they have learned to realize their true Self.

Self-knowledge is the only source of happiness.

This will lead to perfection and freedom.

You may seek freedom, but how can you get it when you have become a slave to fear and earthly conditions?

You are part of the Divinity.

Feel it, realize it, and all those tics will disappear and you will be free.

Alignment of this freedom through knowledge of the Self will bring you the realization of your oneness with Divinity.

Then you will be able to say: “This light which is seen in the sun is in me, and what is in me is in the sun.

I am Lord of body, senses and spirit, and all phenomenal objects, the light of the universe, through me shine the sun, the moon, the stars and the lightning.

I have realized my true Self.

I’m the true Self of the universe and therefore I am a with the Absolute.”



Balanced Diet And Lifestyle For Women

Women health, prevent before to cure

Balanced diet and lifestyle are the key to avoid or decrease female issues. Women cross different periods with age and are more prone to wide range of health issues due to changes in her body.

Health and lifestyle, especially during fertile period of woman will have impact on her pregnancy and progeny.  

So maintaining healthy lifestyle and diet for a woman is utmost important for now, future and her family.

The management of Vata dosha is really important because imbalances of vata dosha is the main cause for various health issues in women.

The causes of Vata imbalances

Wrong habits to avoid:

  • Excessive physical strain activities such as exercises for long hours,
  • Wrong Yoga postures,
  • High heel footwear,
  • Travelling for many hours on daily basis
  • No break from all the day
  • Aways moving
  • Delaying sleeping time with smartphone engagement
  • Skipping meals,
  • Having very little amount of foods for weight management,
  • Habitual suppression natural urges such as hunger, thirst, urination, defecation continuously

In short time many complaints will occur such as body ache, headache, bloating, nausea  menstrual pains, back pain, anxiety, heavy bleeding, constipation, etc…

Psychological factors 

Change your lifestyle, stop to run and take a break to relax your nervous system!

Stress, anxiety, fear, depression, phobia, emotional volatility and more lead to physical and mental health disorders.

All those emotions will have impact on physical health in long run mainly due to vata dosha imbalances.

Wrong food habits to avoid:

Dry fish, dry food in general, raw food, highly spicy food, cold refrigerated water and food items, sour, junk food, canned foods, uncooked, spoiled, contaminated, previous night left over food, repeatedly re cooked food, skipping meals, untimely taken food, alcohol, packed food, industrial prepared food…

All of that are our worst enemies to maintain good health…without speaking about all the food additives and preservatives you find in artificial and not fresh food

Lifestyle changes during menstruation

During menstruation

  • Avoid heavy food difficult to digest. (meat, junk foods, oily, junk food restaurants…) and prefer diet including wheat, barley, guard, green gram, mung bean…easy to digest.
  • Avoid spicy
  • Avoid excess salt consumption during this period
  • Don’t drink cold water or other refrigerated food items, it increase vata and can cause painful periods.
  • Drink warm water and take warm food along the day
  • Avoid sour, salty food this can increase the flow in those who have heavy menstrual bleeding.
  • Avoid excess walking, travelling, talking, standing or other physical strain which cause imbalance in vata dosha which in its normal state helps easy menstrual flow.
  • Avoid stressed mind full of thoughts.

Ideal food during Pregnancy

Lifestyle and diet during pregancy
  • Choose food easily digestible, freshly prepared, wholesome and delicious
  • Include ghee, milk with turmeric or saffron, leafy vegetables, sweet potatoes, banana, pomegranate, custard apple, walnuts, almonds, avocado, fennel, cumin, coconut water, …
  • Avoid raw papaya, raw pineapple, castor oil, raw meat, caffeine, liquor, excess asafoetida, uncooked, spoilt, canned, junk food and left over food.
  • Avoid heavy thinks, travelling, climbing stairs or hill, standing on height, staying near places of loud noise, stay in peace.

During menopause

During this period, cessation of menstruation is there and cause imbalances in all three doshas.

You could feel various symptoms so it is the period where utmost care of health has to be taken to form balance in doshas.

Treatment should be done according to the presenting symptoms and dosha involved.

For vata symptoms can be mood swings, fear, constipation, insomnia, anxiety, body aches and more then should avoid intake of dry, cold food items and activities such as excess exercise, travelling and stay grounded as much as possible.

For pitta dosha dominance symptoms cen be hot flushes, anger, burning sensation, excess bleeding, … Such person should take coolant, bitter, sweet taste food ( guard, green gram, barley, sugarcane juice, coconut water etc). Avoid spicy, salt, sour food, pickles, chilies etc

In kapha symptoms like obesity, depression, indigestion, …then avoid taking excess sweet, oily food, heavy, raw food, junk food, day sleep …

General Therapies To Improve Women Health

Oil massage (Abyanga)

Oilation is really important to maintain balance
  • Daily body oil massage before warm bath balances vata dosha
  • Improves skin health
  • Moisturizes the skin, removes dryness, improve complexion
  • Lubricates joints, relaxes muscles thereby reduce body aches and joint pain

Regular exercise (Vyayama)

  • Controls body weight
  • Reduces excess body fat
  • Maintains bone and muscle health
  • Relieves stress, anxiety, fear, depression

Maintaining normal movement of vata dosha (Vatanulomana)

  • Drinking warm water maintains normal movement of vata also improves digestion processes and maintains appetite
  • Drink water soaked overnight with raisins, early morning in empty stomach.

It will brings back vata movement in normal direction. It acts as mild laxative to ease bowel movement.

Meditation and Yoga

Those play important role in all phase of women’s life.

  • Helps to relieve stress, anxiety, and stabilize emotional flows
  • Improve attitude facing life
  • Bring positive mind with regularity
  • Improves disease tolerance capacity of body.
  • Maintains physical and mental dosha in balance
  • Maintains normal digestive strength.
  • Strenghten muscles, bones and mind

Medicines for women health

Medicines mainly used for Women Health with the with the supervision of a physician and according to your life history

Shatavari Gulam: used in almost all the gynecological complaints, PCOD, menstrual pain, irregular menstrual cycles, heavy menstrual bleeding, urinary tract infections, …
Ashwagandha Churna: for anxiety, leucoderma, depression, insomnia, weight gain, weight loss, immunity, muscle strength, body building, anti-oxidants, sexual stimulant.


  1. As per the research conducted by Department of Psychology H.N.B Garhwal Central University Garhwal Uttarakhand, India on stress among employed women and housewives and its management have concluded stress management techniques such as meditation, yoga, hypnosis, guided imagery, muscle relaxation, mindfulness breathing etc. have shown improvement in positive coping skills.

  • As per the research conducted on effect of massage therapy during pregnancy and labor, concluded that massage therapy is effective during pregnancy and labor. There was reduced depression, anxiety, decreased leg and back pain in pregnant women who underwent massage therapy and on labor pain women experienced significantly less pain, and their labors were on average 3 h shorter with less need for medication.

  • Menstrual cycle and food habits:
    The evidence indicates that women eat more food per day during the 10 days after they ovulate than during the 10 days before

  • Menopause and exercise:
    A research study concluded that 12-weeks of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise may result in small improvements in sleep quality, insomnia and depression in midlife, sedentary women.

5 methods to prepare your herbal medicine

The Pancha kashaya

Herbal medicine are generally prepared according to five basic methods of extraction: the fresh juice of the plant (svarasa); the crushed pulp or paste of the plant (kalka); decoction (kvatha); hot infusion (yhant); and cold infusion (hima). Juice is the strongest; cold infusion the weakest. The rest fall into a descending order of strength.

Fresh Juice (Svarasa)

Fresh juice: powerful health benefits of veggie and fruits juice

The fresh juice of an herb is obtained by taking the fresh plant, crushing or pounding it, then straining the liquid through a cloth.

A juicer may also be used for this purpose. This method is not used that often because it relies mainly on freshly picked herbs. Easily available herbs–aloe vera, ginger, lemon, lime, onions, parsley … are also used in the above process, but the effects are best for wild or home grown herbs.

For dry herbs, a weaker juice preparation is made by taking the crushed dry herb or powder, adding twice the weight of the herb in water, allowing to set for 24 hours, and then straining the liquid for a juice substitution.

Herbal Paste (Kalka)

Paste: another method for using plant or seeds

The paste of an herb is obtained by crushing the fresh plant but only to the point where it becomes a soft mass. It can be done with dried herbs, with the addition of enough water to create a workable paste.

Such pastes can be made with honey, ghee or oil, usually in double the amount of the herbs. Various raw sugars can also be used in equal amounts to the herbs. Liquid substances work better with dry herbs, dry substances with fresh herbs.

This mode of preparation is often used externally for plasters and poultices to promote the healing of wounds and sores. (Please see section on Herbs for External Usage.) It may also be used as a basis for infusions and decoctions, an herbal paste being prepared first and then cooked. All herbs can be used in this manner.

Decoction (Kvatha)

Herbal medicine decoction method, easy and so beneficial fo health

Herbs are usually administered in the form of a decoction or a hot infusion. The difference is that a decoction involves boiling the herbs over a low flame. A hot infusion involves cooking them below the boiling point, or steeping them, bringing them to a boil and then removing them from the heat.

The general rule for decoctions: one part dry herbs to six teen parts water; about half an ounce of herbs per cup or 8 ounces of water. Herbs are then boiled over a low flame until the water is reduced to one quarter of its original amount (for example, four cups would be boiled down to one); the herbs are then strained and the liquid is used as a prepared decoction. This process takes several hours or more and produces a stronger decoction than that usually used in western herbalism.

A moderate decoction, requiring less time, can be made by boiling the herbs until half the water is left. A weak decoction takes even less time to prepare since three-quarters of the water is left. The lesser strength of these preparations can be balanced by taking or giving larger dosages.

The resultant strong tea is then administered usually with otiher vehicles like honey or hot water (see section on anupanas and section on dosages).

In Ayurveda the herbs are only boiled once and then discarded. Some herbalists of other traditions boil them two or three times. This is possible, particularly when the first decoction is of weak or moderate strength.

The decoction method is most suitable for roots, stems, bark and fruit as harder portions of the plant require longer cooking to release their essence.

Hot Infusion (Phant)

For infusions the ratio of herbs to water is one to eight. For example, one ounce herbs per eight ounce cup of water. In the hot infusion, the herbs are added to boiling water and allowed to set for a period of up to twelve hours. This again is longer than the required time used in western herbalism. Usually thirty minutes of steeping is the minimum required for an infusion.

The herbs are then strained and the liquid used. Infusion is better for more delicate plant parts; leaves and flowers, or more herbaceous (non-woody) plants. It is also better for aromatic herbs, like most spices, because boiling destroys and dissipates the aromatic oil. However, many of these herbs can be cooked below the boiling point over a low flame for a long period of time. This may be necessary in formulas that combine root herbs with flowers or leaves; otherwise the more delicate herbs can beadded at a later stage of the decoction.

Cold Infusion (Hima)

Cold infusion requires letting the herbs stand in cold water. Usually more time is required for this than for a hot infusion–at least an hour.

It is also best to let the herbs stand overnight. This method is necessary for delicate and aromatic herbs, particularly those with cooling energy or refrigerant properties. Cold infusion is best for cooling therapy and reducing high Pitta conditions.

Such herbs as hibiscus, jasmine, mint and sandalwood are prepared in this manner. The infusion method is usually best for powders, as they release their properties more quickly than raw herbs. Cold infusion is better for anti-Pitta action; otherwise hot infusion is usually best.

Additionnal methods of herbals

Milk Decoctions

Organic milk decoction

Decoctions can be done with milk as well as water. The classical method was to take one part herbs, eight parts of milk and thirty-two parts water. The mixture was boiled over a low flame until all the water evaporated. For example, one ounce of herbs was used with one cup of milk and four cups of water.

However, it is also true that smaller amounts of water can be used with certain herbs cooked directly in the milk. This simpler, direct milk decoction can be done with powders.

Milk augments the tonic and nutritive effects of herbs, like ashwagandha or shatavari. It possesses demulcent properties and combines well with herbs (e.g. comfrey root or slippery elm), for soothing the mucous membranes.

With cooling effects, it helps to stop bleeding and reduces inflammation. It can also help to harmonize or work as an antidote in the presence of hot, pungent herbs. Milk may be used as a sedative and it can be combined with certain herbs like gotu kola or nutmeg to promote sleep.

Vessels to Use

According to Ayurveda, the best kind of vessel or pot to use for herbal preparations is an earthen pot. Earthenware combines naturally with herbs the same way plants are intrinsically a part of the soil.

Ayurveda is not, however, opposed to the use of certain metallic vessels, if their properties are understood.

To reduce Kapha, herbs can be prepared in a copper pot because copper has a scraping and reducing action. For Pitta conditions, a pot of brass or silver may be used; these metals are cooling. For Vata, iron may be used as it is heavy and grounding. Aluminum should never be used because it will be absorbed in the body as a poison.

Preparing the herbs over a flame, rather than electrical heat, also helps increase their potency and renders them more assimilable to our Agni; wood heat is best.


The Significance of Ayurvedic Medicinal Plants